Be a part of our team

Our focus is on the tasks that people in companies have to solve daily using complex solutions. mysssion Team members are committed to finding effective and innovative solutions for our customers. If you share these interests, we would love to hear from you!

Are you ready to make a difference?

Our core competence is optimising our customers’ solutions for their staff and business goals. Our customers profit from direct consultancy, a choice of our self-developed solution portfolios or a combination of both.

Out of conviction, we focus on sustainability issues in our company and on behalf of our customers.

Why should you join our team?

Because we believe that everyone in our team is essential. In order to grow as a team, we rely on individuality and foster creativity.

In our company, people come first with their personalities and abilities. We are looking for people who pitch in, have ideas, want to achieve something, work as part of a team, moderate teams, have goals, get involved and want to create things. We are not looking for lone wolves but for decision-makers and leaders. Simply for role models.

People who like to collaborate with others and to whom personal relationships with colleagues are important. It does not matter whether you just got your college of technology/university or university of applied sciences degree or already have many years of professional experience.



Senior Consultant SAP FI/CO (all genders)


(Senior-) Consultant SAP SD – Sales & Distribution (all genders)

Innsbruck, Wien

ABAP Developer / Technical Consultant (all genders)


(Senior-) Consultant SAP SD – Sales & Distribution (all genders)


Senior ABAP Developer / Senior Technical Consultant (all genders)


(Senior-) Consultant SAP FI/CO (all genders)


(Senior-) Consultant SAP BRIM (all genders)

You could be the person we need

Fair collaboration & cooperation

Promoting your own strengths & goals

Setting new quality standards together

This is what we offer you

Personal training courses

Tailored to our employees’ individual needs, we arrange professional as well as personal training courses in different areas.

& language courses

We not only offer support with language learning with the help of individual language courses, but also with important official channels and certifications such as the “red-white-red card”.


In our company, nobody embarks on their personal career path alone. We will provide you with a mentor who will assist you with career planning etc.


To promote exchange between our employees, we organise group lunches. We create an atmosphere of well-being with a personal touch, where everyone feels welcome and cared for.

Individual career plan

An individual training programme will help you reach your goals. It is about individual coordination of your development path and your success story.

Bonus model

We offer a bonus model through which you are rewarded for your successes and achievements. Individual goals promote personal development within the company.

Meet Team y

Romina Kaziu

I love working for Vysion, because I see myself growing together with the company day by day. Being able to visualize goals and making them a reality makes me feel part of company's ongoing success.  


Sabine Pogoriutschnigg

Unsere Kunden in Ihrer Transformation zu nachhaltigen Wirtschaften zu begleiten und zu unterstützen, erfüllt meine Tätigkeit als Berater mit einem starken WHY. In der konstruktiven, aber auch persönlichen Atmosphäre der vysion/myssion habe ich mich sofort willkommen und aufgehoben gefühlt. Gemeinsam werden wir auch unseren Beitrag für Gesellschaft und Umwelt leisten.

Senior Consultant

Inesa Sturce

I love working for vysion consulting because here achievement is always balanced with appreciation. Bringing my unique visioning ability to embrace the company’s vysion makes me feel that our work is meaningful and what we do makes a difference for our customers.


Jonathan Gasser

Ich arbeite für vysion, weil ich an unsere Vision und Werte glaube und es mich erfüllt, Teil eines Teams zu sein, das positive Veränderungen in der Welt bewirken will.

Senior Consultant

Dragana Trailovic

Kein Tag gleicht dem anderen. Genau diesen Grundsatz verfolgt das Y-Team mit einem methodenbasierten Vorgehen bei der Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Kundenlösungen. Bereits Juniors wird es von Anbeginn mit individuellen Schulungen ermöglicht, direkt ins Projektgeschehen eingebunden zu werden und diesen Grundgedanken zu leben.


Christoph Kellner

Ein gutes Team macht alles einfacher – egal ob es Unterstützung beim Projekt oder der gemeinsame Feierabend ist.

Senior Technical Consultant

Suzana Bajraktari

Bei vysion werde ich gesehen, gehört, unterstützt und gefördert. Ich bin gerne Teil dieses tollen Teams!

Office Management / Projektcontrolling

Do you have any questions about the application process?

Contact person:

Nicole Steinhofer
People & Culture Manager